Our Beers
We have two Ranges of Brews a Core Range and a Custom Range.
Type into the “search” to find items containing those words, and sort by clicking on the headings.
To find our ‘pale ales’:
- type “pale ale” into the search
To find the strongest Pale Ale:
- type “pale” into the search
- click “ABV to sort by ABV (small to high)
- click ABV to reverse (high to small)
Our Core Range of Beers, Ciders and Ginger Beer Brews, that you should reasonably expect to be available at all times, either bottled, in our fridge or kegged and ready to go for you to take home in any sized keg you have.
Our Core Range of Brews List can be “downloaded in PDF” and also “printed” – click on icons.
Our Core Range of Brews
Grumpys Lager | Core | 4.50% | Lager | Horny Wombat Special | A golden coloured, very crisp and light bodied lager. Drink it all night. |
Mildly Grumpy | Core | 3.50% | Lager | Horny Wombat Special | Mid strength version of Grumpys Lager. |
Dos Amigos | Core | 4.70% | Lager | Mexico | Pale coloured, light bodied Mexican style beer. A Corona on steroids. More flavour, more body, just a good session lager. |
Tassie Devil | Core | 5.10% | Lager | Australia | Pale coloured, light bodied Tassie style beer |
Moon Boot Lager | Core | 4.60% | Lager | Horny Wombat Special | Medium bodied, light flavoured and crisp beer with a slight European hop note at the end of the mouthfull. |
Slightly Bitter | Core | 4.50% | Bitter | Horny Wombat Special | Classic bitter beer. Full malt, no hop notes, either flavour or bitterness, just a classic bitter beer. |
Ocean's "5" Pale Ale | Core | 4.70% | Session Ale | Horny Wombat Special | A mild, filtered pale ale with great passion fruit aroma and flavour. A great light session pale ale. |
Summer Ale | Core | 4.60% | Session Ale | Horny Wombat Special | A light session ale with good citrus notes. Easy to drink lots of. Very slightly bitter. |
Mid Ocean's "5" | Core | 3.50% | Ocean Ale mid strength | Horny Wombat Special | Mid strength version of Oceans "5" pale ale. Retains a great passion fruit flavour but in a mid strength. A great session pale ale. |
Silly Ocean's "5" | Core | 5.00% | Gluten free | Horny Wombat Special | Gluten Free Ocean's Ale with strong passionfruit aroma. Another very sessionable beer. |
1300 Wombat | Core | 4.20% | Pale Ale | Horny Wombat Special | Golden Coloured medium bodied Pale Ale style beer |
Hopping Wombat | Core | 4.50% | Pale Ale | Horny Wombat Special | One of the Wombats own Pale Ales |
Gunni's XPA | Core | 4.50% | Extra Pale Ale | Horny Wombat Special | Slightly fruity extra pale ale. Sweet to start with, and a lingering hoppy bitterness at the end. |
Wotty's Hazy 'I' IPA | Core | 4.50% | IPA | Horny Wombat Special | Dedicated to Wotty, the brewery cat with the blind eye. Strong IPA, tropical hop notes. Residual mouth bitterness but smooth to drink. |
Odd Bod Ale | Core | 5.00% | Pale Ale | England | Dark amber coloured, full malt note and medium bodied smooth English style ale. Surprising to drink. |
Horny's Porter | Core | 4.80% | Porter | Canada | Black coloured, medium-full bodied porter style beer with a nice chocolate note to the taste. |
Horny's Apple Cider | Core | 4.80% | Cider | Horny Wombat Special | Good Apple flavoured cider that isn't too sweet and leans towards the drier cider style. |
Horny's Berry Cider | Core | 4.30% | Cider | Horny Wombat Special | A sweet, red berry cider that reminds of a sparkling rose. |
Hornys Ginger Beer | Core | 4.80% | Gluten Free | Horny Wombat Special | Cloudy, original style gluten free ginger beer. Leaves a tingle on the tongue, lips and back of your throat and not too sweet at the end. |
Drop Bear Lemon | Core | 5.50% | Gluten Free | Horny Wombat Special | Alcoholic lemon squash. Sweet but a lemon tartness to it. But watch out - it can bite! |
Our Custom Range of Beers Brews, that are available in only 50 litre orders.
We can brew them for you or you can brew them yourself and bottle them upon brew completion.
Our Custom Range of Brews
Antler Lite | Custom | 4.40% | Lager | Canada | Light coloured, light bodied Canadian style beer |
Bangkok Pilsner | Custom | 4.70% | Pilsner | Thailand | Straw coloured, light bodied pilsner style beer |
Bear Butt Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Canada | Light coloured, light bodied Canadian style beer |
Beck 'n Call Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Germany | Golden coloured, light bodied Munich style beer |
Big Bird Bitter | Custom | 4.40% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Big Bird Draught | Custom | 3.60% | Lager | Australia | Dark gold coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Big Bird Export | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Big Cat Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Singapore | Golden coloured, light bodied classic lager style beer |
Billabong Bay Bitter | Custom | 3.30% | Lager | Australia | Dark golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Blue Deer Pils | Custom | 4.90% | Pilsner | Canada | Light coloured, light bodied Canadian style pilsner beer |
Blue Lite | Custom | 2.70% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Buddies Lager | Custom | 4.30% | Lager | USA | Pale coloured, light bodied American style beer |
Calypso Lager | Custom | 4.50% | Lager | Carribbean | Light coloured, light bodied Caribbean style beer |
Carls Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Denmark | Light coloured, light bodied Danish style beer |
Clubhouse Bitter | Custom | 3.90% | Ale | Horny Wombat Special | Amber-copper coloured, medium bodied English bitter style beer |
Demon Bitter | Custom | 4.80% | Bitter | Australia | Golden coloured, medium bodied Australian style beer. |
Eagle Light | Custom | 2.70% | Lager | Australia | Pale copper coloured, light bodied Australian style light beer |
Easy Dry | Custom | 5.00% | Lager | Australia | Light coloured, light bodied Australian dry style beer |
Easy New | Custom | 4.70% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, medium bodied Australian style beer |
Easy Red | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Ella Lager | Custom | 5.00% | Lager | Belgium | Golden coloured, medium bodied European lager style beer with a nice slightly bitter note to it. |
Ella Lite | Custom | 4.00% | Lager | Belgium | Golden coloured, light bodied European style beer |
Forest Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Australia | Pale coloured, light-medium bodied Australian style beer |
Forest Special | Custom | 2.80% | Lager | Australia | Dark golden coloured, light bodied Australian style light beer |
Four Fat Wombats | Custom | 4.70% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Four Golden Wombats | Custom | 3.50% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, medium bodied Australian style beer |
Full Mounty Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Canada | Light coloured, light bodied Canadian style beer |
Glazier Lager | Custom | 4.70% | Lager | New Zealand | Light coloured, light bodied New Zealand lager style beer |
Golden Sumo | Custom | 4.30% | Lager | Japan | Golden coloured, light bodied Japanese style beer |
Golden W.A. Light | Custom | 3.50% | Lager | Australia | Pale coloured, very light bodied Australian style beer |
Gopher Genuine Draft | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | USA | Golden coloured, light bodied American style beer |
Gopher Light | Custom | 4.00% | Pilsner | USA | Light coloured, light bodied American style beer |
Hiking Pilsner | Custom | 5.00% | Pilsner | Holland | Golden coloured, light bodied classic pilsner style beer |
Hodges Ice | Custom | 4.60% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Horny's Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Wombat Wonderland | Golden coloured medium bodied Australian style beer. |
Hornys Stout | Custom | 5.00% | Stout | Black beer with strong coffee notes and aroma. thick enough to eat with a knife and fork! | |
Joags Classic | Custom | 4.90% | Low Carb | Australia | Light coloured, light bodied Tassie style low carb beer |
Joags Draught | Custom | 5.00% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, medium bodied Tassie style beer |
King Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
King Lite | Custom | 3.70% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Kiwi Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | New Zealand | Golden coloured, light bodied New Zealand style beer |
Kronnies Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | France | Golden coloured, medium bodied French style beer |
Lake Draft | Custom | 4.80% | Pilsner | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied pilsner style beer |
Leprechaun Lager | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Ireland | Golden coloured, light bodied light lager style beer |
MCG Bitter | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Mid Amigos | Custom | 3.50% | Lager | Mexico | Mid strength version of Dos Amigos. Pale coloured, light bodied Mexican style beer. Good flavour, nice body and better than... |
Moreton Bay Cold | Custom | 4.80% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Moreton Bay Draught | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Moreton Bay Mid | Custom | 3.50% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Munich Pale | Custom | 4.70% | Lager | Horny Wombat Special | Golden coloured, medium bodied Munich style beer |
Pancho special | Custom | 5.10% | Lager | Mexico | Golden coloured, light bodied Mexican specialty style beer |
Pekin Pils | Custom | 4.80% | Pilsner | Horny Wombat Land | Light Bodied Pilsner Style Beer |
Premium Dry | Custom | 5.00% | Low Carb | Australia | Light coloured, light bodied Australian style low carb beer |
Premium Light | Custom | 3.00% | Pilsner | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied pilsner style beer |
Red Emperor Pils | Custom | 4.80% | Pilsner | China | Golden coloured, light bodied pilsner style beer |
Redtail Light | Custom | 3.50% | Wheat | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian wheat style beer |
Sams Pils | Custom | 4.80% | Pilsner | Phillipines | Light coloured, light bodied Philippine style beer |
Shaggy Wombat Dry | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Horny Wombat Land | Medium Bodied Dry Style Beer |
Side Street Lager | Custom | 4.40% | Lager | USA | Golden coloured, light bodied American style beer |
Skinny Beer | Custom | 4.80% | Low Carb | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style low carb beer |
Skinny Wombat Mid | Custom | 4.00% | Lager | Australia | Golden colour, medium bodied Australian style beer |
Sumo Lager | Custom | 4.90% | Lager | Japan | Golden coloured, light bodied Japanese style beer |
Sumo Super Dry | Custom | 4.90% | Pilsner | Japan | Light coloured, light bodied pilsner style beer |
Swinging Dutchman | Custom | 4.70% | Pilsner | Holland | Light coloured, light-medium bodied classic pilsner style beer |
Tassie Devil Lite | Custom | 4.00% | Lager | Australia | Pale coloured, light bodied Australian style beer |
Tipsy Wombat | Custom | 4.50% | Lager | Japan | Dark lager with strong coffee and chocolate notes to it. Tastes similar to Asahi Black. Refreshing to have a dark beer taste with a lager mouth feel and body. |
Triple Horn Premium | Custom | 5.00% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, medium bodied Tassie style beer |
Western Light | Custom | 2.70% | Lager | Australia | Golden coloured, light bodied Australian style light beer |