Horny Wombat Brewery

Our Beers


We have two Ranges of Brews a Core Range and a Custom Range.

Type into the “search” to find items containing those words, and sort by clicking on the headings.

To find our ‘pale ales’:

  • type “pale ale” into the search

To find the strongest Pale Ale:

  • type “pale” into the search
  • click “ABV to sort by ABV (small to high)
  • click ABV to reverse (high to small)


Our Core Range of Beers, Ciders and Ginger Beer Brews, that you should reasonably expect to be available at all times, either bottled, in our fridge or kegged and ready to go for you to take home in any sized keg you have.

Our Core Range of Brews List can be “downloaded  in PDF” and also “printed” – click on icons.

Our Core Range of Brews

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Our Custom Range of Beers Brews, that are available in only 50 litre orders.

We can brew them for you or you can brew them yourself and bottle them upon brew completion.

Our Custom Range of Brews

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