Latest News and Updates for April 2020

Horny Wombat update

A big hello to all of you,

I hope we are all traveling well in these uncertain times and we are all beginning to enjoy the art of staying home and getting on with family a little better. It looks like restrictions are starting to ease but vigilance is still needed.


Geoff returned to the brewery two weeks ago now and he is in very good health. It is nice to have someone to talk to again. I was getting sick and tired of the arguments I was starting to have with myself.


As we start to ‘flatten the curve’ some people are hoping that the gates might be opened a little to be able to sit down and have a beer in a pub or club. This is not going to be the case for a little while yet.

Liquor Licencing have advised that at this time no restrictions on pubs, clubs and restaurants have been lifted or relaxed and they have put no time frame on when these relaxations might occur. Because of this we are still not able to allow customers to bottle their own beer, in their own bottles and we are not allowed to fill bring in growlers.

Social distancing is still required within the brewery and we are still not serving beer and there are no seats to sit on.

Please try and call ahead before you come in. Just to make sure there isn’t too many people in the shed at one time, to make sure we have what you want so that you’re not waiting unnecessarily long times and so that you minimise your time in the shed.


We still have some Tipsy Wombat lager left. A black lager with a good coffee and chocolate flavour to it. Strong in flavour, light on the tongue. A great drop.

The Czech Pils is being brewed with a wheat base to it and it has come off really nicely, we think, with a really nice quite sweet taste and really great, light gold colour and a crisp mouth feel to it. The Czech is now one of our core range but it is moving nicely.

Geoff and I have recently brewed a couple of new beers including a dark wheat dunkel and a Weissen. We are still to try them but are looking forward to tasting them. Unfortunately, with the shutdown we can’t allow customers to taste but hopefully that will change in the near future. The beers remain unnamed but I’m sure between Geoff and I we will come up with a stupid name or maybe one of you might like to make a suggestion?


In the last couple of days all of our newsletter subscribers received an email asking if they still wanted to be on our email list with a link to click on. THIS IS A SPAM EMAIL.

Luckily on this occasion the spam appears to have been a ‘robot’ spam tool and the email has not been attached to any trojan, virus or the like. Our administrator did advise that now that the spammer has found a way in to our email there may be more attacks.

In light of this please ensure that if you get an email from our email address and it contains a link to click on. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.

Geoff and I will never, ever send an email containing a link to click on and we will always sign our emails off with ‘Cheers, G&G. Please keep this in mind.

We will also never send unsolicited invoices or requests for money. Neither Geoff or I know any Nigerian Princes needing millions to be transferred and we certainly don’t know any beautiful Russian girls who need a husband. If only I did…Geoff doesn’t have any spare Viagra to sell and I have used all my miracle moisturising lotion. It hasn’t worked, I’m still pretty ordinary to look at.

Again, sorry for the long and winding email but I hope this provides a little bit of information for you all.

For our foreign recipients please stay safe, please be mindful of where you are, who you’re with and who you might be unknowingly infecting if you have ‘the COVID’.

Geoff and I sincerely hope to see all of you back to the brewery some time in the near future so we can try some new beer with you all and provide you with quality beer to drink at home.

Cheers, stay safe,

Horny Wombat Brewery

The Horny Wombat Blog

The ramblings of a horny wombat



January 2025